Can't Think STR8!...

The blog for the twisted friends of mine.

Thursday, November 06, 2003

Chat up lines to pull in Montreal

Funny, I found the best chat up lines used in Montreal. I like this one 'Nice shoes, wanna fuck?'. Short and efficient!!!;-)

Montreal Mirror - Best of Montreal 2003 Readers Poll : Nightlife: "Best pickup line
1. Hello
2. Nice shoes, wanna fuck?
3. How you doing?
4. Love your hair
5. Can I buy you a beer?
Honourable mentions: I want to be the cow that grazes in your field  I think I pulled my groin  I shat twice today  I may not be the best looking guy here, but I'm the only one talking to you  I bet you $20 that you will reject me tonight  I got two inches of hard cock for you  My name is Ninja Slut and I'm an action porn star  I've been waiting for a long time for someone like you to have sex with me  Do you like girls or guys?  Can I get you a juicy pussy?  Can I buy you a spatula?  Can I buy you a drink or do you just want the cash?  Please, please, please can we have sex?  Are you one of the Baldwin Brothers?  Are you William Shatner?  Hi, I can pick my nose with my tongue  Gimme your phone number now before I change my mind  Hello, I'm Todd Van der Hayden  You know, I m not a player, I'm actually looking for a real relationship "


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