Can't Think STR8!...

The blog for the twisted friends of mine.

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Black & Blue 2004

So this WE after moult changing of mind, I decided not to go to Black & Blue because it is too expensive ($85 normal ticket and $160 VIP). I went out on Saturday instead to a private party, then Safir to see DJ Frigid then I ended up at Circus (after hours) because the people I was with went there, came home at 8ish am, slept a bit but was feeling tired most of the day.

Then came Sylvie at 11pm on Sunday and after calling one of her connection (the fabulous AM), we managed to get in for free with VIP tickets. Yeah! The kind of treat you can't refuse so there I went to Black & Blue 2004.

As we arrived, the Cirque du Soleil started their performance and it was really impressive and fun to be in a huge rave and enjoying one of their show as well. The theme of this year was Louis XIV so the costume where reflecting it + some others fun stuff like Louis XIV massage area and caleche chillout tour pulled by a man.

We were blessed to be VIP because among the freebies, we had no line up, a nearby toilet and water provider. The other ultra cool thing was the free display of fresh fruits such as banana and strawberries than we could dip in the warm chocolate fountain and eat. That was so yami! The only problem is that the chocolate dripped on my clothes and hands so it looks like we had poo on our hands. Also we had access to the VIP lounge next to the DJ on a upper terrace. It was impressive to see the massive crowd from there and realise the huge amount of people who came at the rave.

The music was good enough but not great. We managed to arrive on time for Ceballos, Sanchez and Anthony's sets which where OK but not as amazing as one would expect of such a huge event. Musically, I much prefer spending a night listening to David Morales. There is more emotions involved. But the rave was good due to the ambiance, shows and the ultra friendly crowd (mainly composed of gays, some straight fake breasted girls and overal straight lesbians!).

Now, we're Sunday night and I'm bedded still out of it after such a heavy weekend so I may be quiet for a while which will delight my gf.;-)


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