Can't Think STR8!...

The blog for the twisted friends of mine.

Sunday, November 23, 2003

Exams finished

Yeaaahhhhhhhh! Exams are finally finished!!! I had 4 exams this weekend to take for my courses. I think it went well so it's all good but I feel like I have 3 days jetlagged to recover from. I haven't slept much and my biological clock is all messed up. Well, no time to rest, I have an assignment to prepare for tomorrow morning and the public transport are on strike in Montreal so I can't even go for some well deserved shopping frenezy...aaaaaaaaaaaaaargh!!!
Anyway, I'm happy these 3 days of exam's nightmare are finish.
I would like to thank those pills called 'Wake up' that they sell here and that allowed me to stay awake during my exams.;-) X


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