Can't Think STR8!...

The blog for the twisted friends of mine.

Friday, September 17, 2004

No more "Belle de Jour"

OMG! Belle de Jour, the blog of a london call girl which is also my favorite blog (after Mia's one of course...) that I read every once in a while is ending. Her last post dated of September 15 says: "I'm afraid, darlings, the time has come for me to go(...)All things pass. The time will never be right to finish the diary - so I am ending it now."
Argh! NO!!! It has only been 2 days she stopped so hopefully she'll change her mind and will blog again. She won the prize of "best blog of the year" by the Guardian in UK last year and then became quite famous but always hide her identity. She has now book and movies plans. Why don't she stick to her blog? Anyway, we'll see. Best of luck to whatever she decide to do.


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