Freezing my butt in Brussels
So I met my godmother and her lovely family yesterday for most of the day at the Christmas Market in Brussels near the Grand Place. It was really nice because you can try all types of artisanal gourmet food and hot wine, there was a ice rink and old-fashioned carroussels for kids.
Funny enough, half of the market stalls were filled with some delegation from Quebec stuff: Canadian jacket, muts, Quebec beers, Marple syrup, etc... It felt like Montreal again except when I approach these, they didn't have the Quebec accent so I was disappointed.
Also what reminded me Quebec, was the ice cold weather. After 2 hours walking out there, my feet were frozen and I decided to go.
Today, same freezing weather. Really, I don't think it is much warmer here in Europe and at least in Montreal, we had the snow and the ski... sigh...sigh
Yes I can't wait for summertime!!!
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