So it is Monday night and I can declare the weekend weekend started with a fight about the weekend plans and a long debate between the togetherness/ apartness notions... Not a good start so I ended up calling off all the plans and instead lazing in bed watching dvd's until Sunday came up to bring back the weekend clubbing fever. Parties on the menu: You, a friend's bday party in a club and the Cabaret.
You: gay tea party...the music sucked big time...a melting pot of disco, rnb, techno, pop,...a bit of everything to please everyone in a super kitsch gay club. They used to have loads of lesbians there but they all deserted the place since the weekend before they refused to let in a group of butches. This lead to the 'lesbian community' called for banning the place. Humanly if I agree with them, ironically speaking, who could blame the doormen for letting only the cute lesbians in...Not me!;-p But the music being so bad, I don't see myself going there too often.
- Bday at bar 60: Imagine the scene...a private party in a tiny bar with a dj boot in the middle and the best lesbians dj's mixing and on the tiny dancefloor...a bunch of cute lesbians, bi and hetero girls + some friendly fellows. That's what I call a perfect party! Yes until some girls indulged my pristine white shirt with some delicious chocolate dipping. It's no problem at all...well until the moment where we decided to move to....
Le Cabaret: a large gay after hours private club, very chic and trendy with loads of beautiful people, mostly gay males, but also some cute lesbians or heteros girls. People show up around 1 or 2 am on a Monday morning to party. Most of them work that very monday at 9am or so but won't be sleeping until then. These are hard core clubbers or fanatics. You feel it as soon as you enter. People don't actually give a shit about anyone. They are enjoying the music, the company and the drugs which are all excellent!
My chocolated printed t-shirt impressed more than one. I'm not sure where they thought I was coming from. Eventhough, we're in Belgium, there's limit to fashion creativity.
The night was so long and enjoyable that when we were about to hit back home. We were too broke to pay for the cab to drive us to the car, forgot the bankcard in the car, forgot where the car was parked, ... It was freezing cold and my friend couldn't stand her boots anymore and decided to walk barefoot in the street. I decided to stop a cab anyhow and only let the driver know when we arrived that we had no money to pay him. He was a bit irritated but not that much and fortunately he left us in a random street friend's car was parked! Youpie! God is always there to help the happy clubbers have an happy night ending!